Cardiology Associates of Fairfield County
Web redesign
Cardiology Associates of Fairfield County is a Cardiology Provider with 7 locations, 22 Providers and over 50 years of experience. Our client, Cardiology Associates of Fairfield County provide patients with access to high-quality cardiac health care services.Using WordPress and HTML, we worked with the client to develop a brand new website.
HTML, WordPress
16 month
The challenge
Getting things up to spec
The practice had an outdated website, and a slow and buggy database. The previous website was outdated and no longer accurately reflected the growth that the Doctor Practice has had.The Database was designed and developed to handle the needs of HR and other non patient data for the practice. The practice needed a database that was easier to use, faster and can hold more types of data. The information for this database also needs to be accessible from computers, tablets and phones.
The Solution
A complete redesign
Using WordPress and HTML, we worked with the client to develop a brand new website, as well as a backend database, where the team could manage data for each medical practice they work with.To ensure that information was easy to find, we built new internal systems and updated the client’s current stack to work more efficiently. A big part of this project was ensuring the client had all the profile data they needed and we worked with them to gather this content.To achieve a fully functioning, visually impressive website, we also partnered closely with a team of graphic designers, photographers and other developer teams.
The results
Happier patients & employees
Using WordPress and HTML, we worked with the client to develop a brand new website, as well as a backend database, where the team could manage data for each medical practice they work with.To ensure that information was easy to find, we built new internal systems and updated the client’s current stack to work more efficiently. A big part of this project was ensuring the client had all the profile data they needed and we worked with them to gather this content.To achieve a fully functioning, visually impressive website, we also partnered closely with a team of graphic designers, photographers and other developer teams.