Picsplore Social
Mobile Application, Database
The team at Picsplore are working on a social network which aims to connect individuals through shared interests, and find new and exciting Points of Interest and Places to Eat all organized in a constantly updating feed that takes into account a variety of variables.
Swift, Firebase, Java Script
24 Months
The challenge
Getting things up to spec
Picsplore needs a Mobile Application that can take an array of data, organize it and present it in such a way so that it is easy to use. The social network needs to be able to store location points, content and users. Relationships need to be observed between users and data and users and other users.
The Solution
A complete redesign
To support the launch of this new social platform, we developed, designed and built an iOS app and database. This project had a strong focus on user interface and experience, users could post and see other’s posts in real-time, with low latency.

By using a range of technology, including Swift and a NoSQL Firebase Database, to help our client store and sync data, we were able to limit processing times to enable a fast, smooth user experience. The database allowed queries to sort through relationships, and find the best recommendations for users.
The results
Happier customer & users
Picsplore released their social network on the Apple iPhone App Store. The user interface is easy to use, and is able to present the data clear and to the point.

The database is able to handle the users and data and was able to figure out relationships between users and is more then prepared to scale up and meet demand.