Seville Carwash
Website & Database - 2020
As a busy carwash, servicing their local community, Seville Carwash needed software to help manage their business more efficiently. They have seen steady growth year over year by sticking with their values of high quality work and excellent customer service.
E-Commerce, Database
6 Months
The challenge
Getting things up to spec
During the COVID 19 pandemic Seville had to suffer through an array of supply chain issues. The supplies they needed were to provide services to their customers that were constantly either out of stock or had long lead times.
The Solution
A complete redesign
We Implemented software and automation to help the Seville Carwash team manage their supplies and plan for ordering replacements when necessary. With a more efficient system, they are now able to handle servicing more customers at once.
The results
Happier customer & users
Seville with the new software is better equipped to order supplies for extended amounts of time. This allowed them to order accurately 6 months to a year of supplies, they were able order ahead with little to no waste.